Cadet Quest Magazine – Super Bulk Shipment


21+ copies sent to one address, price per subscription. This magazine brings cadeting alive through stories, projects, games, and Bible lessons.

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21+ copies sent to one address, price per subscription. Cadet Quest is published seven times during a Cadet season (September/ October, November, December, January, February, March, and April/May). This magazine brings cadeting alive through stories, projects, games, and Bible lessons. It captures the enthusiasm of boys by asking questions and searching for answers to the struggles of today’s youth. Recommended for all boys in the R•P•B and Guide Trails programs. It is available by subscription.
Each Cadet Quest contains two sets of Bible lessons — one lesson to a page. Series A is designed for nine- through eleven-year-olds. Series B lessons are based on the monthly themes and are for twelve- through fourteen-year-olds. All lessons contain a lesson-related puzzle for the boys to complete.